Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology
An Agent of industrialization, a Progressive and customer – Centered Higher Learning Institution
Leadership and Management

Organization Structure of DIT

The top organ of the DIT is the Council followed by the Chief Executive Officer (Rector) who is supported by the Deputy Rector (Academic, Research and Consultancy) and the Deputy Rector (Planning, Administration and Finance). The two Deputies are supported by heads of various departments who oversee teaching, learning and manage resources of the respective department.


  • Chairman of the Council:
    Eng. Dkt. Richard Joseph Masika
  • Rector:
    Prof. Preksedis M. Ndomba - BSc. (Eng) (Dar), MSc (Eng.) (Dar), PhD (UDSM/NTNU)
  • Deputy Rector Academic, Research and Consultancy:
    Prof Ezekiel Masige Amri - Bsc (Education)- UDSM, Msc (Bootany) - UDSM, PhD (Botany)- UDSM
  • Deputy Rector Planning, Administration and Finance:
    DR. Daudi Samsoni Simbeye, BSc ( Electronics and Microelectronics)Moscow-Russia, MSc (Design and Technology in Electrical Engineering) Russia, PhD (Light Industry Technology and Engineering) China.

The Structure

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